The Sophistication of Cybercriminals Intensifies With Emerging Strategies for Cashing in or Causing Chaos

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While tried and true tactics like phishing and malware are here to stay, there are always new approaches to watch out for in the cybersecurity space. Experian¡¯s 11th annual Data Breach Industry Forecast ( includes six predictions for 2024 that focus a global lens on what savvy moves cybercriminals from near and far will potentially make to penetrate organizations and reap rewards.

While 2023 was a ¡°successful¡± year for bad actors, we may see the following emerge to shake up the cyber landscape even more this year:

¡¤ Six Degrees of Separation: There¡¯s no question third-party data breaches have made headlines. With increased data collection, storage and movement there are plenty of partners down the supply chain that could be targeted. We predict attacks on systems four, five or six degrees from the original source as vendors outsource data and technology solutions who outsource to another expert and so on.
¡¤ Little by Little Becomes A lot: When trying to achieve a goal, it¡¯s said that taking small steps can lead to big results. Hackers could apply that same rule. Instead of making drastic moves and trying to reap instant reward such as with ransomware, bad actors may just manipulate or alter the tiniest bits of data to stay under the radar such as changing a currency rate or adjusting the coordinates for transportation, which can have a major impact.
¡¤ Not a Third Wheel: It¡¯s widely known who the major players are globally that sponsor attacks and a new country in South Asia may join the international stage with their large population of engineers and programmers. While reportedly having been in the game focusing cyberattacks regionally due to political tensions, this country may broaden their sights in the future.
¡¤ No, not Mother Earth!: Plutonium, terbium, silicon wafers